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Hetero Chris has some of the biggest balls we’ve ever seen! We bend him over naked and tied him up in a public toilet in a most ungentlemanly position. His genitals are wrenched back between his legs and we tie those great plums back so we can see them while also wrenching open his precious arsehole. It drives us wild utterly humiliating this fucker clamping bells to his nips and ordering him to jingle them. Simultaneously his hole is rammed full with a vibrator. Bound in place there’s nothing he can do but shimmy from side to side making his bells ring while his insides get mercilessly rammed. His arse cheeks are beaten till Chris is howling and crying. We want his back passage pristine pink for the army of eager men that will pass through this public loo so we clear him out with an ice cold enema. The bastard struggles to hold it in while we weigh his genitals down and strain them to breaking point. He clenches his sphincter with all his might but as Dave lays into his arse again with a fierce whipping he unleashes a filthy stream. We discipline him by drenching Chris in freezing water. He’s left trembling, dripping wet and bent naked ready for any pervy takers who walk through the door.